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Board of School Administors

Licensure Information


Minnesota Statutes, section 122A.14, requires that Minnesota administrators must be licensed by the Board of School Administrators.

To become licensed, each applicant submits an application to the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) staff to issue, renew, or extend a license. PELSB processes all teaching and administrative applications. PELSB holds each licensed teacher’s and administrator’s records. Applications for renewal can be submitted to PELSB for re-licensure processing beginning January 1 of the year of expiration. All teaching and administrative licenses expire on June 30 of the year of expiration. The application includes a processing fee of $57. Initial licenses are renewed every two years and Continuing Licenses are renewed every five years. To qualify for a Continuing License, an applicant must document at least one year of administrative experience in the licensure field that they hold.
Once licensed, all active administrators shall pay an annual fee of $100 to the Board of School Administrators, collected by November 1st of each fiscal year. A fee of $50 is required for all retired or inactive administrators to remain licensed. Fees are collected electronically with a credit card by going to the Board's at and selecting "Pay annual BOSA fee." After receiving notice from the board, any license school administrator who does not pay the fee in the given fiscal year shall have all administrative licenses held by the person automatically suspended, without the right to a hearing, until the fee has been paid to the board. The annual Board of School Administrators’ fees is separate from the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) fee for the issuing and re-issuing of the actual license. 

Licensure requirements for those prepared at a Minnesota-approved program

The requirements to become a licensed superintendent, principal, special education director and community education director are specified in Minnesota Administrative Rule 3512.0200. Read the full requirements at Minnesota Rule 3512.0200.

For superintendent, principal, and director of special education candidates prepared at a program in Minnesota (including Walden and Capella Universities), in general, the applicant must:


✓ Submit evidence of three years of successful classroom teaching experience (this experience may include online teaching experience) while holding a classroom teaching license valid for the position or   positions in which the experience was gained;
✓ Completed 60 semester credits beyond the bachelor’s degree that includes a master's, specialist or doctoral degree. 

✓ Complete a field experience of at least 320 hours;

✓ Be recommended for licensure by a Minnesota Board of School Administrators approved Minnesota college or university.


Go to online application

Paper application


Licensure requirements for those prepared at a non-Minnesota approved program


Read the full requirements at Minnesota Rule 3512.2600. In general, a candidate must:


 ✓   Complete a preparatory program at a college or university at a regionally accredited institution that includes a minimum of 60 credits beyond a Bachelor’s degree, including a Master’s Degree;

✓   Complete a program that recognized by the state where it is located as qualifying the applicant for employment or licensure as a school superintendent, principal, or director within that state;

      Once a candidate has meet these two standards, state board staff will analyze the candidate's transcripts and syllabi to determine if their
program is "substantially equivalent in content " to board-approved programs. The board has defined “substantially equivalent " as a candidate attaining 80% or more of the leadership competencies and 80% or more of the licensure-specific competencies found in Minn. R. 3512.0510.

Candidates who completed a program which is not substantially equivalent to a Minnesota –approved program, may qualify for a Provisional license (see below).

The fee shall be nonrefundable for applicants not qualifying for a license, except the fee is refundable when the applicant for a license already holds the license for which application is made and that license does not expire in the year the application is submitted.


Go to online application

Paper application


Once a candidate is deemed qualified for licensure, the candidate is issued an Initial license, which is valid for a two-year period, starting on the date of issue. If one year of administrative experience is gained during the Initial license, the administrator can renew for a five-year license. Verification of the year of experience must be confirmed by the superintendent or personnel officer. The renewal application (and verification form) can be found online during the application process and is available to administrators starting January 1 of the year of licensure expiration.


If someone holding an Initial license does not gain one year of professional experience in the field during the two-year period, the license holder may apply for an additional Initial License using the same online process.



Provisional Licensure for Superintendents, Principals and Directors of Special Education for those licensed in Other States

A two-year, nonrenewable provisional license may be issued to currently licensed superintendents, principals, and directors of special education who do not currently meet all the Minnesota standards for an administrative license. To qualify for a provisional license, an applicant must:
✓ Fill out the application which includes a criminal history background check and conduct review as required by the board.
✓ Provide documentation that the candidate has a valid, full administrative license from another state and is in good standing.
✓ Provide documentation that the candidate has taught for three years, or served as an administrator for three years in that specific licensure field, or a combination of either that equals three years.

✓ Provide documentation that the candidate has been accepted into a Minnesota approved administrative licensure program for licensure.
At the end of the two year period, the administrator must meet all requirements for a full professional Minnesota administrator license and be recommended for licensure by the Minnesota college or university. If, during the provisional licensure period, a Minnesota approved administrative preparation program certifies a person meets all requirements for a full professional Minnesota administrator license and that person gains one year of professional experience as a principal, the individual is qualified to apply for a five-year Continuing License.
All applicants for licensure go to online application.

Paper application

Five-Year Licenses and Renewal

A five-year Continuing License will be granted to applicants who verify one year of administrative experience while holding a valid two-year Initial License or a Provisional License. Provisional license holders must also show proof that a Minnesota approved administrative preparation program certified they met all the requirements for a full professional Minnesota administrator license.
Five-year Continuing Licenses expire on June 30 of the year of expiration. Applications for renewal are submitted to PELSB for re-licensure processing beginning January 1 of the year of expiration. To renew a five-year, continuing license, an administrator must first complete a minimum of 125 clock hours of professional development that has been pre-approved by the Board of School Administrators. "Clock hours" means hours of actual instruction or supervised group activities in a BOSA-approved continuing education program and/or coursework completed at accredited colleges and universities. The Board of School Administrators (BOSA) does not need to pre-approve college coursework as long as it is completed at an accredited college of university. One semester college credit equals 20 clock hours. Renewal requirements must be met during the five-year period of each continuing license and no clock hours will carry forward into any subsequent five-year licensure period.
BOSA Completion Certificates and college transcripts are presented to the individual designated by the superintendent to enter administrative hours in each school district. In-active administrators must ask the district they are living in or the district they previously worked in to enter the approved hours.  Private school, charter school or international administrators with a Minnesota Administrative License may contact Karen Schaub, executive director, for review and approval.

Go to online application

Paper application


Alternative Pathway for Superintendent License 

Minnesota Administrative Rule 3512.0800 allows for individuals to earn their superintendent’s license through an alternative licensure process.
In general, an applicant must demonstrate substantial experience in administration, supervision, management, and executive leadership in education, healthcare, business or industry, labor, or government. The applicant shall appear before credential review committee and present evidence, generally through a portfolio, documenting how the applicant has meet the competencies outlined in Minnesota Administrative Rule 3512.0800. Read the full requirements and competencies at Minnesota Rule 3512.0800Contact the executive director for details.

There is a non-refundable fee of $300 to help pay for the expenses of the Credential Review Committee.

Lapsed Licenses


If you have a Continuing (Five-year) License that has lapsed and you are employed as an administrator, you must immediately apply for a variance.

Minnesota Rule 3512.1500 Subp. 2 states that a license to serve as a superintendent, principal, or director is not valid for administration after July 1 in the year of expiration. Additionally, Minnesota Rule 3512.2300 Subp. 4 requires an administrator who allows their continuing license to lapse for more than 60 days and is currently employed as an administrator or supervisor must obtain a variance from the Minnesota Board of School Administrators (BOSA) while the board renews the license. The Licensing Committee of the Minnesota Board of School Administrators reviews the variance request at the monthly Board Meeting, typically on the fourth Monday of the month. 

Go to the variance application
If your Professional Continuing License has lapsed and you have not been employed as an administrator or supervisor during the year immediately preceding the application for renewal, you must provide evidence that you have completed 125 clock hours of preapproved administrative and supervisory continuing education earned during the five-year period immediately preceding your application for renewal. College coursework may count toward the 125 clock hour requirement provided you submit an official transcript verifying college/university credits (1 quarter credit equals 15 clock hours and 1 semester credit equals 20 clock hours) in the five-year period immediately preceding the application for renewal.

If you have an Initial (Two-Year) you may renew the license by completing the online application process on the PELSB website. This process will require a Google Gmail account. You may use a personal Gmail account if you already have created one. During the application process, an Employment Verification Form will need to be completed by your supervisor. For this renewal, you do not need the 125 CEUs.
If your Initial License has lapsed and you did not complete one school year of administrative experience, you may renew an Initial License by going to the PELSB website. This process will require a Google Gmail account. You may use a personal Gmail account if you already have created one.

Go to online application.

The Board may grant a one-time, non-renewable administrative license to someone with a lapsed license provided the candidate has been offered a position in Minnesota contingent upon holding a valid license. At the end of the one-year licensure period, the individual must meet renewal requirements for the continuing license which includes completing 125 clock hours of BOSA-approved Continuing Education within the last five years to continue in the position.