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Board of School Administors

Welcome to the Minnesota
Board of School Administrators Website

The BOSA Annual Fee payment site is currently being updated. Once the website is up to date, payment will begin. Administrators will receive a notice via email once payment is open.

In accordance with Minnesota Statute 122A.14 Subd. 9.

NOTE: if you are paying for all of the administrators in your school district, you will need to have the actual name and billing address of the cardholder not just the school name in order to process the transaction



Monthly Board Meeting

Minnesota Board of School Administrators

Anderson Center
2 Pine Tree Drive, Suite 306
Arden Hills, MN 55112


View the Agenda

January 27, 2025
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 160 564 1471

Passcode: 138545

Public Comment Guidelines

Public Comment Sign-In


Attention retired administrators: BOSA staff will no longer enter clock hours for retired administrators. Retired administrators will need to go to the district they worked in or the district they live in and have the district staff enter the clock hours.